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How to Have Great Keywords Density Analysis

Previous step: The best folder structuration for your website

There is many tools on internet helping users to know the density of your keywords for each of your web pages. You can get the keywords density by hand, although i do not recommend it, it is a waste ot time for you. I use the tool from Seo Chat and to calculate my keywords density.

The best density results you can have are exclusively from the texts, the title tag, the heading tags (H1...H6), and picture alt-tags. The other places in your HTML are just assets but i suggest you to optimize them as well. Bold text isn't a place to include keywords but people still do that though. Text links are also a good place to include keywords too, when robots check the anchor links on your web pages, they associate the anchor text's 'meaning' with the web pages it links to.

In fact, the higher density you have for each keywords you target. The better is your ranking over the major search engines.

Example of keyword density using Seochat tools:

Keywords Density BBC Result

I took example of the BBC news website. You can witness here the 'bbc' keyword has a density of 8.56% and obviously when you type BBC on the major search engines you encounter the url on the first SERP for most of them.

News and radio secondary combinations keywords. They've targeted their visitors for 'bbc news' and 'bbc radio'.

You can see other keywords but their density is lower than 2%, so they help to specify the major keywords.

E.g.: 'Bbc listen radio', 'bbc sport', 'bbc world' and 'bbc weather'.

I have to admit they did is a pretty good optimization. I hope you understand the basis about keywords density now.

Keywords Density Tips:

Seochat and Pagerank aren't the only tools for keywords density analysis. You can use plenty of web tools to get a good keywords density and compare which tool is better for you and your website. Choose the one you prefer and feel easy with.

List of Stop Words :

worlds like:

I, a, about, an, are, as, at, be, by, com, de, en, for, from, now, in, is, it, la, of, on, or, that, the, this, to, was, what, when, where, who, will, with, und, the, www.

Click here to have a full list of stop words.

Useful when you want to know the density of your keywords at its perfection.

Next step: Use Keywords Density Technique For The Meta Tag 'Keywords'

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