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Yahoo Search Engine History

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The Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web History

The two founders of Yahoo are David Filo and Jerry Yang started their Guide ("Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web") in 1994. And the more they worked on their guide, the more they had to split the website into more categories, and split into sub categories and more sub categories. This is the actual concept of Yahoo. A core and multiples road (categories) to lead you where you want to.

The name Yahoo! is an acronym for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle".

Yahoo! got its first million hit per day in the fall of 1994, translating to almost 100 thousand unique visitors.

Yahoo! gets 2 millions investment from Sequoia Capital and a dozens of Silicon Valley venture capitalists in march 1995 and is Incorporated .

Yahoo received other funding in the end of 1995 from the investors Reuters Ltd. and Softbank.

Yahoo! had its initial public offering on April 12 1996, raising $33.8 million dollars, by selling 2.6 million shares at $13 each.

in 2000 the radio news station CNBC reported that Yahoo! Inc. and eBay were in discussions to initiate a 50/50 merger.

In 2002 Yahoo acquired Inktomi and in July 2003 acquired Overture Services and its subsidiaries Altavista and All the Web. In 2004 Yahoo dropped Google Powered results and returned to using its own algorithm to provide search results and launches its own search engine technology.

August 11, 2005 Yahoo! acquires 40% of for $1 billion US, and Alibaba will take over operation of Yahoo! China.

Nowadays in 2006 Yahoo serve 345 millions users each month with a budget revenue of 3.57 billions dollars and 7,631 employees (2004).

Google's budget is of 6 billions dollars with 5400 employees (December 2005).

For more informations about Yahoo History you can check on or the history sections if you really are in fond of it.

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