Rules For Effective Link Popularity on InternetPrevious Step: Introduction Effective link popularity, The must before any attempt or link trading:[an error occurred while processing this directive]- Good Content, Good Accessibility. Insist on that as much as i insist about it and you'll be a winner. - No broken links on your website and partner websites. There is some software that can take care of broken links problem. Well at least they report the broken links location to you and you fix it manually. - The webmasters you contact for link trading are your friends / partners and not objects you use to gain money or traffic. Respect them. - No bad links or none-understandable outbound links must live on your website. That might make you loose traffic or loose opportunities with webmasters. An ice-cream site which contains outbounded links to a shoe polish site is extremly ODD and tend to confusion. - The accessibility of your website is important. Many people doesn't use internet like the way we do, visitors use different web browsers agents like Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox and so on. Make sure everybody can access your website and read its content. - Nice looking Design. If the content isn't really there but the design is original or attractive when glancing at your website, this can be a positive link trading factor. P.S: If you think design is the solution for a successful website promotion you are mistaken. The design you add to your website is just a plus when promoting a website. It helps of course but not that much. Next Step: Submit Your Website on Internet to have an Effective Link Popularity |
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